Friday, March 30, 2012

K-1, K-2, 1-1 & 1-2 GRADES...

Dear Parents:

Grades for My Body and My Clothes and English Exam will be posted this weekend. Please check the REGWEB Sunday afternoon.

Overall, all the kids did pretty good with the evaluations and exam. Thank you for supporting them and helping them study and prepare.

Have a great weekend! -Mrs. Soto

Monday, March 26, 2012


26 de marzo de 2012
Queridos Padres:
Considerando que algunos estudiantes estarán de viaje la semana del 2 de abril, el Exámen de Inglés para 1-1 y 1-2 será el viernes, 30 de marzo.
Favor de repasar con ellos las 4 hojas de Homework Sheets (los de los 20 puntos).  Las hojas le ayudarán para que practiquen lo que vendrá en el exámen.
Adjunto le pegué en su libreta de AVISO la hoja de repaso. Si tiene preguntas, favor de comunicarse conmigo através de REGWEB o si desea verme personalmente. Muchas Gracias – Sra. Soto
March 26, 2012
Dear Parents:
Considering that some students will not be here the week of April 2, the English Exam will be given this Friday, March 30.  I have glued the review sheet to the AVISO notebook.
I will be reviewing with them in class.  Please use the 4 page Homework Sheet (the one worth 20 points) to review with them at home.
If you have any questions, please contact me via REGWEB or see me personally. Thank you very much. Mrs. Soto

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Mrs. Soto English Test Review Sheet
Classes 1-1 & 1-2

I.                   Practice Spelling Words:   ever, sure, enough, every, any, own

II.               Please re-read fairy tale stories:
1.     Ruby in Her Own Time (pages 52-73)
2.     The Ugly Duckling (pages 78-79)
3.      Be prepared to answer questions and compare both stories

III.           Underline the verbs that add /-s/:
1.     A tree grows green leaves.
2.     The leaves fall to the ground.
3.      The wind blows the leaves.

IV.              Identifying nouns.  Underline nouns that appear in sentences.
1.     The five eggs began to hatch.
2.     Ruby is very small.
3.      Rufus, Rory, Rosie and Rebecca swam off.

V.                Mark the sentence that is correct.
                   Amy plays a song.
         Amys plays a song.
         Amy plays a songs.

VI.            Underline the correct verb in ( ) to complete sentence.
      1. The boy (bakes, calls) to his friend.
      2. The dog (barks, talks) at the man.
      3. The cat (sings, eats) a fish.

My beautiful girls and grandchildren....

Mrs. Soto's Grandchildren and Kids:  

These beautiful people are my gifts from God to my life! I am the proud grandmother of 8 grandbabies and proud mother of 5 beautiful girls. Just a reminder why I get up every morning and why I love life!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Partial Weekly K-1 & K-2

Dear Parents:

I will continue lessons from last week and begin new week. I will post rest of weekly by Tuesday evening.

Please remember I will evaluate students on My Body and My Clothes on March 30. Please practice with them at home!

Congratulations to K-1 and K-2 for the outstanding participation on the Field Day. Good Job!! 

Thursday, March 26
Fun for Jud
·        Form sentences with practice words
·        Workbook page 349
·        Practice words, body and clothes
Friday, March 27
Practice Words
·        Form new sentences and write in notebook
·        Practice words, body and clothes

Partial Weekly 1-1 & 1-2

Dear Parents:

Since last week we had two days with no classes, I will begin new week with last two days.  I will post the rest of the weekly by Tuesday evening.  

Please be aware that English Exam #1 for classes 1-1 and 1-2 will be tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, April 4.

I will be posting review on my blog as soon as possible.  Please have students practice the 4-page Homework Sheets given to them to take home last week.  That will help them review verbs and -s.

Congratulations to all students for their excellent participation in the school Field Day. It was really nice to see them with their t-shirts and to see parents support them! GOOD JOB!!

Monday, March 26
Share Information and Ideas
·       Use glossary in student book and draw picture for   
           workbook page 338
Friday, March 27
Phonetic Awareness and Unscrambling letter to make list word
·        Textbook pages 86-87
·        Workbook pages 341 and 343 

Sunday, March 18, 2012


March 18, 2012

Today I voted for the first time in the Puerto Rico primaries.  It was such a good feeling to know that I can exercise my right and make a difference.  

I can only pray that the ones chosen by the people will fulfill their commitment with honesty and integrity. 

Let us thank God that we live in country where can go out and choose our leaders without the fear of being silenced or put in jail.  God bless America and God bless Puerto Rico!


March 19, 2012

Dear Parents:
I am sending home a plastic bag with simple vocabulary words that your student will learn in English class. Please make sure they review every day at least for 15 minutes.  We will be forming sentences in class. 

I am going to attempt to give them a simple spelling practice test to see how many words they can spell correctly on their own.  We will practice the words in class as well. Thank you for your cooperation and support.   -Mrs. Soto
19 de marzo de 2012

Queridos Padres:
Les estoy enviando a la casa una bolsita plástica con palabras de vocabulario simples que sus estudiantes van a aprender en la clase de inglés. Estaremos formando oraciones con ellas. Intentaré de darles una práctica simple de dictado para ver cuántas palabras ellos han aprendido a deletrear solos.

Favor de ayudarlos a repasar palabras todos los días en la casa por lo menos por 15 minutos. Praticaremos las palabras en la clase. Muchas gracias por su apoyo y cooperación.   -Sra. Soto

WEEKLY 1-1 & 1-2

Mrs. Soto English Weekly
Classes 1-1 & 1-2
March 19-23, 2012

Monday, March 19
Ruby In Her Own Time
·        Re-read story together in class Textbook Pages 52-73
·        Workbook page 334

Tuesday, March 20
Verbs that Add –s
·        I Like Ruby Textbook pages 76 and 77
·        Workbook page 335

Wednesday, March 21
The Ugly Duckling Fairy Tale
·        Textbook pages 78 and 79 - Compare same phrases both stories
·        Workbook page 336

Thursday, March 22
Share Information and Ideas
·       Use glossary in student book and draw picture for   
           workbook page 338
Friday, March 23
Phonetic Awareness and Unscrambling letter to make list word
·        Textbook pages 86-87
·        Workbook pages 341 and 343

Saturday, March 17, 2012

WEEKLY K-1 & K-2

Mrs. Soto English Weekly K-1 & K-2
March 19-23, 2012

Monday, March 19
My Body and My Clothes Sheet 
(Check English Notebook)
Plastic Bag Practice Vocabulary Words
·        Practice basic parts of body and basic clothes
·        Workbook page 345 Letter /u/
·        Plastic bag practice Vocabulary Words
Tuesday, March 20
Name each picture
·        Write letter on line if word begins with letter /u/
·        Workbook page 346
·        Practice words, body and clothes
Wednesday, March 21
Fun for Jud
·        Read and color story booklet
·        Workbook Page 347 and 348
·        Practice words, body and clothes
Thursday, March 22
Fun for Jud
·        Form sentences with practice words
·        Workbook page 349
·        Practice words, body and clothes
Friday, March 23
Practice Words
·        Form new sentences and write in notebook
·        Practice words, body and clothes


Who was St. Patrick?

    • St. Patrick is the Apostle of Ireland, born in Scotland in 387; died in Ireland on March 17, 461
    • As a boy of fourteen or so, he was captured during a raiding party and taken to Ireland as a slave to herd and tend sheep. He learned the language and practices of the people who held him. While a slave he would pray:
    •  "The love of God and his fear grew in me more and more, as did the faith, and my soul was rosed, so that, in a single day, I have said as many as a hundred prayers and in the night, nearly the same." "I prayed in the woods and on the mountain, even before dawn. I felt no hurt from the snow or ice or rain."
    • Patrick's captivity lasted until he was twenty, he escaped after having a dream from God in which he was told to leave Ireland by going to the coast.  He became a Bishop, worked many miracles and converted the people for 40 years. 
      • Why a shamrock? St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Trinity, and has been associated with him and the Irish since that time.

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Body and My Clothes

Dear Parents:

Next week we will begin with My Body and My Clothes for K-1 and K-2. I will glue the study sheet to their English notebook on Monday, March 19. 

Please begin studying with them.  They will have an oral evaluation in two weeks, on Friday, March 30.  We will be practicing in class as well.  Please practice everyday with them at home. 

As always, thank you for your cooperation and support. - Mrs. Soto

Good Job!! 1-1 & 1-2

Good job to the 1-1 and 1-2 students for the poster boards prepared with the title I Have Changed. Thank you parents for your support and cooperation. 

Again, thank you parents and good job to you and your students!! ;-)