Sunday, October 30, 2011

Class 2-1, 2-2 Lesson Week of Oct. 31 - Nov. 4

October 31, Monday - "Tara and Tiree, Fearless Friends"
*Literary Non-Fiction, Textbook pages 192-207
*Workbook pages 97-98
*Discuss as a group main topic of story
*Introduce new vocabulary words: family, listen, once, heard, break, pulled

November 1, Tuesday - "Tara and Tiree, Fearless Friends"
*Continue reading story - Textbook pages 192-207
*Workbook pages 99-101
*Have students share their experiences of having a dog or pet
*Work together on subject of story in workbook, r-controlled words

November 2, Wednesday - "Firefighters"

*Textbook page 211, Workbook pages 103 and 105
*Nouns review, Identify narrative non-fiction, main topic of short story
*Discuss as a group what a firefighter does, the importance of his service
to the community
*Review Exam # 3 Questions and lessons from workbook pages 53 and 55
*Please go to bed early, eat good breakfast and come prepared!

November 3, Thursday - EXAM # 3
*Students will take their exam today
*Teacher will review Test Taking Rules
1. Take out pencil(s)
2. No Talking during test or looking classmates paper
3. No cheating - anyone caught cheating will get a 0.
4. Do your best! Mrs. Soto is here to answer any questions

November 4, Friday - "Rescue Dogs"
*Expository Text -Textbook pages 212-215
*Discuss as a group the main topic of short story
*Work on page 105, list things to remember for staying safe during a fire drill

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