Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekly December 5-9, Classes 6-1 & 6-2

Hello! My name is Mrs. Soto and I will be substituting Mrs. Flores while she is on maternity with the English class. I look forward to working with your children and getting to know them. We will be reviewing and preparing for their final test the week of December 12-14. The office will let me know when the test will be. As soon as I know, I will let you and the kids know. Please feel free to look through my blog and enjoy reading my stories and seeing pictures of the most important people in my life; my family! I am here if you have any questions or just need to speak to me. Thank you and God bless!

Monday, December 5,
* Elected our President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of class
* Plan Christmas Party and Putting of Christmas Tree with decorations
* Read story "The Emperor's Silent Army" Textbook pgs. 208-223
* Introduce new vocabulary words: pottery, superstitious, restored, watchfully, divine, mechanical, approximately, excavated

Tuesday, December 6,
* Finish reading the story
* Copy vocabulary words and look for definition in dictionary
* Workbook pg. 123
* Review "The Universe"

Wednesday, December 7,
* Final Review
* Review spelling words (multisyllabic)
* Use and understand regular and irregular plural nouns
* Use and understand posessive nouns
* Review main idea and details of both stories

Thursday, December 8,

Friday, December 9,
* Final Review
* Review spelling words (multisyllabic)
* Use and understand regular and irregular plural nouns
* Use and understand posessive nouns
* Review main idea and details of both stories

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