Monday, January 30, 2012


Dear Parents and Students:

I want to personally thank all the students of classes 6-1 & 6-2 for completing the Mrs. Soto English Portfolio Project. I have corrected each one individually and graded them. I also wrote notes and messages to each one of you. Please read and as a reminder, the purpose of the Portfolio was for you - the student to answer the questions as best as possible. I wanted to see each of you use your own words. In some cases, I did not.  But, for the most part you all presented great work.  Thank you for cooperating and for sharing "The Great Debaters" with me.  I hope that the message by Samantha, James, Henry and Professor Tolson will stay with you as you continue to grow and mature in your studies. And remember, be a leader, accept people for who they are, and never, ever give up on your dreams!

I'll be seeing you in school since I will be covering Teacher Suarez's class this week. God bless you and again, thank you for all your effort and attention!!
 ;-)  Love, Mrs. Soto

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