Monday, February 6, 2012

Taking a Break....

My Dear Students & Parents:

Just a little update on my part.  I am taking a break for now until my next substitution which most likely will be end of February when Mrs. Figueroa will leave on maternity to have her baby.  God willing I will be seeing all of you in school then.

If anyone is interested in tutoring after school hours, please connect with Carmen or Dagmara in the school office.  If you need tutoring outside of school, I am available in my home for a fee of $10.00 per hour.  Either way, if you have the need I can assist you.

But, the best tutor for learning English is yourself.  Read books, listen to music, watch movies and shows on TV that speak only English so as to learn pronunciation and vocabulary.  It is really up to you to put in the time and effort to learn.   You can check out websites such as: or at check out School House Rock videos.  Also, the Rosetta Stone learning CD's are available for sale at You can be your own English teacher!

Until we see each other, have a great week! Work hard and remember: study your English and never, ever give up your dreams!!  Lovingly, Mrs. Soto

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