Sunday, March 11, 2012


Dear Parents:

The students will be given 4 pages of Homework Sheets to take home on Tuesday. 

Please make sure that they complete on each day so that I may give them points. You may guide them, please do not do homework for them. These concepts are so they can practice and do at home. 

Children will learn honesty by example. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please e-mail or see me. 
Thank you. Mrs. Soto

Mrs. Soto English 1-1 & 1-2
Homework Sheets (20 points)

Name _______________________  Date: _____________
Homework Sheet Day 1:
Ruby in Her Own Time
A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete idea.
It begins with a capital letter. Many sentences end with a period (.).
For example:          the cat is on a mat            The cat is on the a mat.                          
Read sentence then write correctly on the line.
1. jim has a pet             __________________________________________
2. his pet is a cat           __________________________________________
3. The cat runs away     ___________________________________________
4. Jim looks for his pet  ___________________________________________
A noun names a person, a place, an animal, or a thing.
The word man names a person. The word park names a place.
The word fish names an animal. The word net names a thing.
Underline the noun in the following sentence.
1.     The five eggs began to hatch.
2.     Ruby is very small.
3.     Rufus, Rory, Rosie and Rebecca swam off.
4.     Mother and Father duck watched Ruby flying off into the distance.
Homework Sheet Day 2:
Action Verbs - A verb tells what someone or something does.
The baby crawls.
The boy walks.
Underline the verb in each sentence.
1. A tree grows green leaves.
2. The leaves fall to the ground.
3. The wind blows the leaves.
4. A hen lays an egg.
5. The hen sits on the egg.
6. A chick hatches from the egg.
Circle the verb in each sentence.
1. The baby cries in its crib.
2. The puppy runs to its mother.
3. The kitten plays with a string.
Circle the correct verb in ( ) to complete sentence.  Write the verb on the line.
4. The boy (bakes, calls)to his friend.
5. The dog (barks, talks) at the man.
6. The cat (sings, eats) a fish.
7. Ruby shook her (feather, feathers) in the breeze.
8. Rufus, Rory, Rosie, and Rebecca (grews, grew) bigger.
9. There lived (twos, two) ducks.
Homework Sheet Day 3:
Verbs That Add –s.  A verb can tell what one person, animal, or thing does.
Add -s to  show what is being done now.
For example:      Ruby grows bigger.    Ruby spreads her wings.
Complete each sentence.  Write the correct word on the line.
1. Pam (reads, read) a book.   ____________________
2. Ned (bake, bakes) a cake.    ____________________
3. José (rides, ride) a bike.       ____________________
4. Tina (tie, ties) her shoes.     ____________________
Remember to add -s to each verb.  
The girl  __________________. (play)
The boy __________________. (run)
The dad __________________. (work)
The mom ________________. (cook)
The dog _________________. (bark)
Mark the sentence that is correct.
1.     Amy plays a song.
Amys plays a song.
Amy plays a songs.
2.     Johns writes his name.
John writes his name.
John writes hiss name.
Homework Sheet Day 4:
3.     Rosa makes one big pizzas.
Rosa makes one bigs pizza.
Rosa makes one big pizza.
4.     Daves runs a long race.
Dave runs a long race.
Dave runs a longs race.
5.     Kate learns a new game.
Kates learns a new game.
Kate learns a new games.
6.     Sam spells a hards word.
Sam spells a hard words.
Sam spells a hard word.
Complete each sentence. Underline the correct verb.
1. The baby (needs, need) milk.
2. The boy (walk, walks) to school.
3. The man (works, work) at a store.
4. The puppy (sleep, sleeps) in the box.
5. The dog (jumps, jump) through a hoop.
6. Spot (pick, picks) up the paper.

Total points: _____________

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