Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mrs. Soto English 6-1 and 6-2

Portfolio Project

I.         Directions
·        It will be your responsibility to maintain a portfolio of topics discussed for the next 4 weeks in our English class.
·        Portfolio will be due on January 27,  2012
·        You will need a 3-ring binder and plastic cover sheets
·        Place handouts given to you in the order described by this outline
·        I will not accept late dates on this project
·        Come to me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this project
II.     Outline
1.     Cover sheet (see attached sample sheet)
2.     Table of Contents
3.     Handouts in plastic cover sheets
4.     Drawings
5.     Debate Rubric
6.     Class notes
7.     Answer the following questions:
         (12 font, Times Roman, double space)

a.     What is the importance of a debate? Explain the steps to a debate
b.     What part of the movie impacted you the most and why? (typed or handwritten, do 3 paragraphs)
c.      What I learned about “The Great Debaters” movie (typed or handwritten, 3 paragraphs)
d.     Pick a quote from the movie and tell me what it means to you. Please use complete sentences. Watch spelling and grammar.
e.     Neatness and organization is very important. Make sure I can read your handwriting if you use cursive. Thank you!

III.      Sample Cover Sheet
Academia Inmaculada Concepción

(Your Name)

"The Great Debaters"

Mrs. Soto English Class

(Class Number 6-1 or 6-2) 

IV.       Sample Table of Contents

i.  Introduction      ……………………………………………..         1
ii.  Handouts           ……………………………………………..         2
iii. Questions          ……………………………………………..         3                
iv. Conclusion         ………………………………………………        4

Remember: this is just an example of what your table of contents may look like. Please make according to your own portfolio. Be creative and have fun!!!
V.       Grading:
Presentation                                    10 points
Organization                                    10 points
Handouts                                          10 points
Questions Answered                     15 points
On time (not late)                              5 points
                                    Total:              50 points

This is an individual project. You must do this on your own. I am here to guide you if you have any questions.  Please see me any time. Good Luck! I know you can do this!!            Mrs. Soto

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