Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weekly Class 4-2 Jan. 17-20, 2012

Mrs. Soto English Weekly
Class 4-2 - January 17-20, 2012  
Tuesday, January 17
Lesson: News Article – textbook pg. 222-223 and work book pg. 130 – Spanish Cowboys
1)      Student will identify sentences that support ideas with simple facts, details and explanations
2)      Student will identify and underline regular Plural nouns after reading aloud News Article short story Brooks School Goes Green
3)      Review definition of Regular Plural Nouns = formed by adding –s or –es to the singular form. Some nouns that end in a consonant followed by a –y drop the –y and add –ies (example: family – families)
Wednesday, January 18
1)      Reinforce previous lesson where student will identify sentences that support ideas with simple facts, details and explanations
2)      Review definition of Regular Plural Nouns = formed by adding –s or –es to the singular form. Some nouns that end in a consonant followed by a –y drop the –y and add –ies (example: family – families)
3)      Review spelling words – practice in notebook
Thursday, January 19
Lesson: News Cast – textbook pg. 227 and work book pg. Irregular Plural Nouns
1)    Student will understand the concept of a Newscast, TV and radio reporter
2)    Student will understand that the purpose of a newscast is to inform the audience about current events
3)    Introduce definition of Irregular Plural Nouns = plural nouns names more than one person, place or things. An irregular plural noun has a special form for the plural (example: child/children  deer/deer, foot/feet, leaf/leaves)
Friday, January 20
Lesson: Draw Conclusions – textbook pg. 230 and workbook pg. 131
1)      Student will understand concept of drawing a conclusion = forming an opinion based on what you already know or on the facts and details of a text by reading short story “Ghost Town”
2)      In workbook student will complete the diagram and answer the questions for facts or details
3)      Review spelling words, regular plural nouns and irregular plural nouns

Exam for Class 4-2 will be held on Wednesday, January 25. Please study vocabulary words as well as summary on story "Coyote School News" copied in student notebook. Also, please study regular plural nouns and irregular plural nouns. Learn to identify and underline them in a paragraph.

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