Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weekly Classes 6-1 and 6-2

Mrs. Soto English Weekly
Classes 6-1, 6-2 – January 17-20, 2012
Tuesday, January 17
1.     Steps to Effective Debating – Practice Debate
2.     Resolved: Why is Abortion Wrong?
3.     Student will write several sentences in notebook and orally express in front of class supporting views
4.     Student will use quotes; personal feelings; and use proper debate format to win over opponent
Wednesday, January 18
1.     Student will review new vocabulary words, understand definition and meaning
2.     Student will identify order of sequence from story “The Great Debaters” by using Graphic Sources and Timeline of events
3.     Workbook pg. 131 will be done in class
Thursday, January 19
1.     Student will identify Final Syllable Patterns
2.     Workbook page 135 will do in class
3.     Review vocabulary words and spelling
4.     Homework Workbook pg. 140, Final Syllable Patterns
Friday, January 20
1.     Student will discuss with teacher update on Portfolio Project
2.     Teacher will verify if work requested is on track as well as answer any questions or concerns students may have
3.     Review vocabulary words and spelling
4.     Work book page 141 – Coming to America, identify action and linking verbs
Note: First Exam will be on Wednesday, January 25, 2012. Please refer to questions on story “The Great Debaters” plus workbook assignments done this week.  Study material in your notebooks on debate, steps and preparation. Plus the 20 spelling words given and practiced in class. Thank you!!

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