Saturday, January 21, 2012

Weekly Jan. 23-27 Class 4-2

Mrs. Soto English Weekly
January 23-27, 2012
Class 4-2

Monday, January 23
  • Affixes & Prefixes, Textbook pgs. 232-233 / Workbook pg. 137
  • Students will identify Affixes and Prefixes are word parts that are added to the beginning of words by reading story “Writing a Play About History”
  • Work together on workbook exercise

Tuesday, January 24
  • Irregular Plural Nouns / Workbook pg. 129
  • Students will identify Irregular Plural Nouns in a sentence
  •  Students will read passage in workbook, answer question and circle the letter of correct answer

Wednesday, January 25
  • Poem Writing, Textbook pgs. 250-251 / Workbook pg. 136
  • Students will identify that a poem is a piece of writing that expresses the writer’s imagination
  • Identify metaphor and rhythm as group read aloud poem
  • Students will write a poem and follow with a drawing

Thursday and Friday, January 26 & 27
Exam Review
  • Students and teacher will review main ideas of story “Coyote School News”
  • Teacher will answer any questions and concerns
  • Practice test on 11 vocabulary words
  • Review lesson on fact + detail = conclusion practiced in class

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