Saturday, January 21, 2012

Weekly Jan. 23-27 Classes 6-1 & 6-2

Mrs. Soto English Weekly
January 23-27, 2012
Classes 6-1 & 6-2

Monday, January 23
  • Poem “Pompeii” – Textbook pg. 258-259 / Workbook pg. 132
  •  Students will identify that a poem is a written work arranged in lines that have rhythm, pattern stressed and unstressed syllables
  • Continue to identify Action and Linking verbs
  • Review Portfolio Project and answer questions
Tuesday, January 24
  • Poem – Write a short Poem / Textbook pgs. 258-259 reference
  • Teacher will review previous concept of poem writing, student will understand the concept of metaphor as well as identify Action and Linking verbs
  • Review Portfolio and answer questions

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday;
January 25, 26 & 27
Exam Review
  • Students and teacher will review 20 vocabulary words, discuss main idea of story “The Great Debaters” and answer any questions or concerns
  • Review Action and Linking Verbs
  • Review and practice test on 20 vocabulary words
  • Review definitions for better preparation for exam
  •  Review class notes that will assist students in answering questions for exam

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